Take the 22 Days of MCU challenge by watching a movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe each day in April of this year up until the release of the 22nd film in series Avengers End Game on April 26th. For those that don't own all of the previously released films, you can use the above calendar to see when and where the films can be found. I will update the calendar on a daily basis until the film has passed the view date. You can start recording these movies as soon as March 6th and store them until the designated date in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Chronological Order. I will be using the hashtag #22Daysof MCU on social media channels and hope you join in the challenge!
* The dates and times in the calendar above are set to the United States Pacific Standard Time (pst).
**The calendar is based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe Chronological Film Continuity and not in order of release. See this link for my article on it:
This past weekend definitely had the networks parade out their Marvel films in celebration of Captain Marvel, but now it seems we have dipped back into a lull for a bit. I will be keeping my eye out for updates to streaming and air dates, but we do have almost a month to go before the big marathon begins. So until then patience is the game!
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